Notable Past Customers
Chuckanut Consulting L.L.C. has provided consulting services for over 200 clients, including electric
utilities, government agencies, and industry organizations. Here are some of our notable clients:
- Alaska Electric Light and Power
- American Public Power Association
- Arizona Public Power
- Association of Illinois Electric Cooperatives
- Association of Missouri Electric Co-ops
- Avista Corporation
- Benton County PUD #1
- Benton County REA
- Big Bend Co-op
- Big Flat Electric Cooperative Inc.
- Blaine City Light
- Bogle and Gates, Attorneys at Law
- Bonneville Power Administration
- Brown and Cole
- Canby Utilities
- Carroll Electric Cooperative
- Chelan County PUD #1
- Chippewa Valley College
- Chugach Electric Association
- City of Bay City, Michigan
- City of Bellingham
- City of Blaine
- City of Bonners Ferry
- City of Ellensburg
- City of Forest Grove Light and Power
- City of Glendale
- City of Ketchikan
- City of Las Vegas
- City of Monmouth
- City of Palo Alto
- City of Port Angeles, Electric
- City of Port Angeles, Public Works
- City of Provo
- City of Redding Electric Utility
- City of Richland
- City of Roseville
- City of Sumas
- City of Tacoma
- Clallam County PUD
- Clark County PUD
- Clatskanie PUD
- Clearwater Power Company
- Colorado River Commission
- Colorado Rural Electric Association
- Colorado Springs Utilities
- Columbia River PUD
- Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative
- ComED
- Crawford Insurance Services
- Crockett & Myers
- Dairyland Power Co-op
- Dakota Electric Utilities
- Dayton Power and Light
- Dillard Smith Construction
- Don Stone, Attorney
- Dooly, Herr & Peltzer
- Douglas County PUD
- Douglas Ehlke, Attorney at Law
- Drinker, Biddle & Reath
- Edison Electric Institute
- Electric Council of New England
- Elmhurst Mutual Power and Light Co.
- Emerald Engineering Inc.
- EnergyAustralia, Australia
- Entergy
- ES Boulos Company
- Eugene Water & Electric Board
- Fergus Electric
- Ferry County PUD
- Flathead Electric Co-op Assn
- Florida Power and Light
- Florida Power Corp
- Franklin County PUD #1
- Fraser, Stryker & Meysey
- Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
- General Electric Company
- Glacier Electric Cooperative
- Gordon, Murrey & Tilden LLP
- Grand Canyon State Electric Co-op Association
- Grant County PUD
- Great River Energy
- Great Southwestern Construction Company
- Hammer Electric
- Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative
- Hawkeye LLC
- Henkels & McCoy
- Hill County Cooperative
- Homer Electric Association
- Hoosier Energy REC
- Hubbell Power Products
- Idaho Falls Power
- Idaho Light and Power Cooperative
- Idaho National Labs
- Illinois Electric Cooperative
- Imperial Valley Irrigation District
- Independent Inspection Co.
- Inland Power and Light Co.
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- International Transmission Co.
- Iowa Lakes Electric Co-op
- Irby Construction
- Jackson Walker LLP
- Jim Wilkins Trucking Co
- Joe Brett Reynolds, Lawyer
- Joslyn Hi-Voltage Corporation
- KDM Powerline Construction
- Kennecott Greens Creek Mining Co.
- Kittitas County PUD
- Kodiak Electric Association
- Kootenai Electric Cooperative
- Lewis County PUD
- Lincoln Power District
- Line and Power Electrical Services, LLC
- Main.Net-Power Line Communication Inc
- Maslonka & Associates
- Massachusetts Electric
- Maxon Davis, Attorney
- McCormick, Barstow, Sheppard, Wayte and Carruth Law Firm
- McGuire Wood Law Firm
- McGuire Wood LLP
- Merced Irrigation District
- Missoula Electric Cooperative
- Modern Electric Water Company
- Montana Power Company
- Montana-Dakota Utilities
- Municipal Light & Power
- National Grid
- National Utilities Safety and Education Association
- Navopache Electric Co-op
- Nebraska Rural Electric Association
- Nespelem Valley Electric
- Nevada Power
- New York Power Authority
- North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives
- Northeast Utilities Group
- Northwest Public Power Association
- NXTPhase T & D Group
- Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives
- OHOP Mutual Light Company
- Okanogan County Electric Coop
- Okanogan County PUD
- Orcas Power and Light Coop
- Overton Power District No. 5
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company
- Pacific Power
- PacifiCorp
- PAR Construction
- Parkland Light and Power Company
- Pend Oreille County PUD
- Peninsula Light Company
- Pioche Public Utilities
- PNW Resources
- Potelco Construction
- Port Angeles City Light
- Port of Tacoma
- Portland General Electric
- Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County
- Puget Sound Energy
- Quad States Instructors, Inc
- Quanta Services
- Quantum Energy Services
- Rocky Mountain Power
- Salisbury
- Salt River Project
- San Diego Gas and Electric
- Seabrook Nuclear Plant
- Seattle City Light
- Serria Pacific
- Serria Pacific Industries
- Snohomish County PUD #1
- South Dakota Rural Electric Association
- South Plains Electric Co-op
- Southeastern Electric Exchange
- Southern California Edison
- Southwest Energy Solutions
- Springfield Utilities Board
- Stanford University
- State of Alaska Office of the Attorney General
- State of Oregon
- Suder Law Firm
- Tacoma City Light
- Tanner Electric
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Tillamook PUD
- Trinity Public Utilities District
- Tucson Electric Power Co.
- Turlock Irrigation District
- Unisource Energy Services
- United States Department of Labor, OSHA
- University of Oregon
- Utah Power Company
- Valley Electric Association
- Wahkiakum PUD
- Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
- Washington State Governors Safety Conference
- West Oregon Cooperative
- Wilson Construction
- WireDynamiX
- Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative
- Yuba County Water Distict